Sunday, January 26, 2014

And then it started.. all over again - 1

     "With the shining sun beneath me,
under the elm didst i sit
dreaming of life unblessed;
of missed out girly delight
of indulgence, comfort and solace.
Bored with my solitary humdrum,
muttered i a silent prayer
wishing for companionship,
the joy of sharing with a sibling alike ...”
                                          - from Suz's Contemplations

Sitting on her easy chair, she looked out of the full-size window in her living room; it was hot and humid, the sky dull and overcast. The twilight gave a soothing comfort to her tired body and little did she realize when sleep took over her.
She could clearly hear loud cheering and a huge crowd. Then it struck her. It was the the grand opening of the big dairy factory Jacob was in-charge of. He could not have been happier, it was his dream come true and so was Angela and her small family of three. Her son clung to her bosom. 
She heard little Sammie say “Mom, now we won’t have to sell our manor, do we?” 
She felt as proud as Jacob did, to tell her little son that they were going to retain the house for a long time to come. But hey, something changed all of a sudden. She had an eerie feeling that something bad was going to happen. Those cheers gave way to loud screams. People were running way in all directions. Jacob was no where to be seen. She perspired as her instincts warned her of the impending disaster. She got up with a shudder from her chair.
The same old dream; she was unable to understand why she wouldn't stop thinking of it even though it has been twenty long years since that happened. She was still clammy. Looking out of her window, she saw that it was now raining heavily. "I must ask Clara to leave early tonight” she thought.

Before she could think of Jacob again she heard a tap at main door and her old maid appeared with a stranger. In the poor lighting, she could see the outline of an old man with a wet raincoat on, dripping over the carpets and a large hat that covered the grave face beneath. She couldn't remember anyone who was expected at the villa this evening. A sudden streak of lightening across the sky brightened up the poorly lit room for second, just enough for her to recognize who it was.

“Oh Hello Mr. Lender! Forgive  me for not recognizing you immediately.”, she got up from her chair to greet him, “What a pleasant surprise…” she paused “Why? What happened? Is everything alright with Tom? You look so pale."

“Good evening Mrs. Smith, er Angela.. Tom is alright but I am afraid there’s an emergency and I need your help. Would you mind sparing Clara for a while? Hurry up and follow me” he looked at Clara and without waiting for her okay rushed out of the room, as fast as he had entered.

Mrs. Smith and her old maid Clara followed him to his car. It was pouring heavily. The old main opened the door of the back seat and bent to scoop someone up in his arms. Mrs. Smith gasped when she saw stains of fresh blood smeared all over the body.It was a girl as she could make out from the outline in the dark evening.

The maid helped Mr Lender carry the girl inside. Angela was still shocked.

“Pray Mr. Lender, whatever happened?” she exclaimed “...and this girl?”

“Just an accident, but details, not now. I need some help.” 
“Take her to the guests room upstairs, first room on the left”, she directed him, in a confused state. 
“Clara,” the doctor dictated “be quick and get the first aid kit from my car. There is also another red box labelled essentials. Bring it too. Can I get some hot water from the kitchen as well?”, saying this he disappeared upstairs leaving Mrs. Smith waiting outside edgily to hear an account of what had happened.

She watched Clara move up and down fetching him the essential-bottles of antiseptic, cotton swab, bandages. She sat down on her easy chair once again. It appeared as if it was going to be some time before she could know what transpired. Is it sheer co-incidence that something like this happened when she was dreaming about the horrible incident in her life? Was Jacob trying to tell her something?" Putting aside her musings as whimsical, she waited and it was not before another hour and a half that Mr Lender showed up at her side. He was smiling, his usual self now and that relieved her. He washed his hands and sat next to her.

“I hope things are all right, Mr. Lender.”
“Oh! She should be fine now but…” he paused “there’s always the risk factor. Her head is concussed from hitting but I have given her an injection. We had to stitch a couple of places on her forehead but I guess she should be feeling better in a day or two. Thank you Clara," he took a cup of tea she offered him "You were of great assistance today", the old lady thanked him and left.

"Would you like to see her?" They walked upstairs to the guest room and he opened the door and led her inside. Angela saw the girl now lying peacefully, all cleaned up on the bed. Behind the blood stains she saw earlier, was an innocent face; with kind features. Her face looked pale yet beautiful in its own way. She must be older than Suz, she thought. The girl looked so familiar yet Angela couldn't place her. There was something on the girl's face which was screaming at her. Was it the pain and agony she could sense; something that reminded her of herself? She had no clue.

A motherly affection took over her and she gently caressed the pale cheeks with a fondness typical to all mothers.There was a brief silence.The Doctor knew that the lady was waiting for an explanation. "We should talk downstairs and let the lady rest.", Dr Lender suggested and started walking to the living room.
Asking her to take a seat, he poured himself another cup of tea and began.

“What a long day it has been. Not at all a good way to end the weekend. I was leaving for Rovers. It was late when I started and was very cautious about the hair pin bends on the road. As I neared the second bend I heard a loud thud in front of me; muffled sound of an engine and then a big ‘bang’ of a crash. Slowing down, I reached the spot where I saw a car hanging precariously from the roadside railing. I looked inside the car but there was no one. It was then that I saw her thrown meters away from the crash site.", he paused to take a sip "Let me tell you, she is one lucky lady. God saved the 1000 m fall. I picked her up from the pool of blood she was lying in. And you know it, it is impossible to expect help on the Asterham-Rovers on a Sunday evening. I couldn't risk the uphill journey to Rovers with all the other 11 bends, with her in my car. And as if all this wasn't enough, it started to rain and I decided it was best if I brought her to a place she would be taken good care of, a place I can trust."

“Of course, Mr. Lender, you can. She would be fine here, with Clara to take care of her and Suz to give her company till she recovers.”
“I must admit, I do feel guilty about troubling you with all this”
“Not at all. It’s a pleasure to have another member in the villa. Don't worry about it. Are there any precautions I need to take?”, the concern was genuine.

“Don’t let her move for the next few days. Things would go on well with adequate rest. I will have someone from the clinic drop off the medicines tomorrow morning.", a cursory glance at his watch and he realised he was running late. "Thank you Angela. I must leave now but I will be back to check on her in a day or two.”

Just when he was about to leave, there was a knock at the door and Suz popped in.

“Hello Mr Mayor!”,she was surprised to see him at the villa at this late hour.“It’s been long since we have seen you. How’s everything and how’s Tom?”
“He’s doing great as usual. But sorry young lady but I have to reach Rovers before it is too late. Excuse me ladies…”
Suz walked up to the door where the old man turned, “Good night dearie.”
“Good night Mayor.”

She watched him start his car and leave. With curiosity killing her, she ran upstairs to the room where Mom was sitting and discussing with Clara.“What brings him here Mom?"
“We have a guest tonight at the villa. I’m afraid we don’t even know yet who she is but I need you to help Clara with anything that she needs.”
And then she repeated the whole story again to Suz.
"Young lady, would you mind telling me where you were all this while?"
“I was in the garage. It looked so beautiful when it rained that I thought I would just there and watch the rain and complete my painting. Mom, can I go and see her now?" she pleaded.
"It is dinner time and you are not going to do anything else right now." Mrs Smith gave her a stern look.
With a half heart, Suz sat down at the dinner table, hoping all the way that she might get to see the new girl quite soon.

(To be continued.......)